Sponsorship Levels

Diamond Plus Level: $2500
- Your company is acknowledged as a primary sponsor at all TNPPA events including in-person and online.
- A 16x20 sign will be printed with your logo for display at all on-site activities.
- A representative is invited to set up a display and present/sell between programs at all live events.
- A link with your company logo will be featured on our website at www.tnppa.com
- Complimentary color ad in our printed event materials.
- You are invited to share marketing materials to include in member welcome packets, which are distributed at registration.
- Listing on the home page and sponsor page at tnppa.com with a link to your company.
Diamond Level: $1000
- Your company is acknowledged as a supporting sponsor at all TNPPA events including in-person and online.
- A representative is invited to present/sell for 15 minutes at all live events.
- Your company is listed on the sponsor page at tnppa.com with a link to your company.
- Complimentary color ad in our printed event materials.
- You are invited to share marketing materials to include in member welcome packets, which are distributed at registration.
- Listing on the sponsor page at tnppa.com with a link to your company.
Platinum Level: $500
- This is our speaker sponsorship level. Your logo will be added to an event sign for a designated speaker. Your company will be given special acknowledgment before and after that presentation.
- Complimentary color ad in our printed event materials.
- You are invited to share marketing materials to include in member welcome packets, which are distributed at registration.
- Listing on the sponsor page at tnppa.com with a link to your company.
Gold Level $350
- This is our Hospitality Sponsor level. You will be given special acknowledgment at one of our live events.
- You are invited to share marketing materials to include in member welcome packets, which are distributed at registration.
- Listing on the sponsor page at tnppa.com with a link to your company.
Silver Level: $250
- You are invited to share marketing materials to include in member welcome packets, which are distributed at registration.
- Listing on sponsor page at tnppa.com with a link to your company.
Bronze Sponsor: $125
- Sponsor a table at our Annual Awards Banquet.
- The table will include a sign with your company name.
- Your logo is featured on our banquet slide show.
- Acknowledgment from the podium about your business.
- You are invited to share marketing materials to include in member welcome packets, which are distributed at registration.
For individual contributions:
- Friends and Patron donations in any amount starting at $25.
All individual contributions receive acknowledgment on our Sponsors & Donors Page.
Place an Ad in our Annual Convention Booklet in full color.
Full Page - $200 (8x10 Booklet)
½ Page - $125
¼ Page - $75
Business Card Size - $50
Please contact us at sponsors@tnppa.com with any questions about sponsorships.