TNPPA Degrees and Competition Awards
National Award
Volunteers truly are the lifeblood of The Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and its Community Networks. Every association has extraordinary volunteers whose efforts on behalf of the community network and its members deserve special recognition.
Seeking a way to thank these individuals – PPA created the National Award in 1958. Each year, PPA makes this prestigious award available to state, regional, national, and international community networks – who then present it to a deserving individual.
The National Award is the highest honor granted by a PPA Community Network. It recognizes those whose support for photography goes far beyond any regular expectations or contributions. The simple inscription on this plaque reads “for service to professional photography”– but we know that this award means far more than that.
Awards Eligibility
Awards are selected by score except where noted. In the event of a tie, the jurors will select the winning entry based on the 12 Elements of a Merit Image.
To be eligible to receive an award the image-maker must be a member in good standing of TNPPA for the participating year. Membership levels eligible to receive awards are Active, Out-of-State, Senior & Life.
A special award is offered to one student or aspiring member with the highest-scoring image in the competition.
Cumulative or "case score" refers to the four (4) highest-scoring images per entrant.
Recipients receive awards at The TNPPA Annual Fall Convention Awards Banquet.
All merits earned from scores and awards in Photographic categories go towards a Tennessee Certified Degree. All merits earned from scores and awards in Master Artist categories go towards your Artisan Degree.
Annual Awards
Hall of Fame Award
Hall of Fame is awarded to one photographer who has shown photographic excellence and who has contributed to photography as an art form. An album of the Hall of Fame recipient's work is displayed at the Convention.
President's Service Award
The President's Service Award is a special award conveyed by the TNPPA President to individuals who have offered exemplary service and contributed in numerous ways to help reach goals during their term.
Lifetime Award
The Lifetime Award is TNPPA's most prestigious award and is chosen by the Board of Directors to a long-time member who has given "above and beyond" service to TNPPA over many years. The Lifetime Award is not conveyed every year and is a distinction reserved only for a few.
Mama Moss Award
The Mama Moss Award is an exclusive honor presented to a non-member. It is awarded to an individual who has contributed exemplary volunteer service to the organization.
Image Competition Awards
TN Top Ten Award
The Tennessee Top Ten Award is given to the ten photographers who have earned the highest scoring cases at the current year's Annual Image Competition.
Most Improved - D. E. Dickerson Award
The most improved photographer from the previous year based on a cumulative case score.
Stan Baker First Timer Award
This award goes to the highest overall case score of a maker who has not previously entered a TNPPA Annual Image Competition.
Joe Bass Memorial Award
This award is for the highest-scoring image in the Illustrative category.
ASP State Elite Award
The ASP State Elite Award is presented to the ASP member in good standing with the highest-scoring entry at their State Image Competition.
People’s Choice Award
This award is chosen by popular vote of convention attendees. The winner will receive a People's Choice Ribbon.
Presidential Award
The highest-scoring overall image or album with a minimum score of 80 or above.
TNPPA Photographer of the Year / W. W. (Bill) Carrier, Jr. Award
Awarded to the photographer with the highest cumulative case score.
Judge’s Choice Award
Each judge will choose one entry (regardless of score) from the competition as their favorite. The recipient will receive a Judge’s Choice Ribbon.
Best in Show Aspiring Award
Awarded to the Aspiring or Student member with the highest-scoring image. In the event of a tie, the judging panel will select the winning entry.
CPP Award
The Certified Professional Photographer Award recognizes the highest-scoring Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) submission in a state competition. Recipients will receive an award with the CPP logo etched in a glass presentation piece. The recipient must be a member in good standing of TNPPA.
Each participant is eligible to win only one of the following awards. The image maker will receive the highest award eligible that meets all criteria including score, membership level, and judge's selection if applicable.
Best of Show
Awarded to the highest-scoring entry in a main category with a minimum score of 80 or above. (e.g. Portraits "Best of Show" will be awarded based on all entries to the portrait categories)
1st Place
Awarded to the highest-scoring image in a subcategory with a minimum score of 80 or above. (Best of Show entries are not eligible) One first-place award is issued per subcategory (e.g. Portrait- Female, Portrait - Male, Portrait - Child, Portrait - Pet, etc).
This award is for the next two highest scoring entries in a subcategory scoring a minimum of 78. (Best of Show and 1st Place winning entries are not eligible)