Post Convention PPA CE Workshop
August 26, 2024 - 9am to 4pm
A message from Tim
We are thrilled to welcome Tim Walden to Tennessee for the Fall Convention. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn from a true master of the art of photography!
Images that Speak
Join Tim Walden for an unforgettable program.
Unleashing Your Creative Vision and Crafting an Iconic Brand
In a sea of photographers, defining your distinct style is critical to stand apart.
Tim delves into the art of sculpting an iconic brand, drawing from the timeless success of Walden's "Relationship" portraiture - a soulful approach that has elevated their business to new heights, becoming an integral art of their enduring legacy.
Once your style is defined and in place, Tim will share how to build a successful brand around it and take it to the marketplace.
In this profound segment, Tim will describe the transformative power of infusing emotion into your imagery, elevating it in the marketplace, and touching hearts and minds with powerful stories of those you portray.
Prepare to be enlightened as he unravels the profound meaning behind the emblematic tagline "Images that Speak."
Your PPA member number is required to receive a merit for attending this class.