Michael Gustafson, M. Photog.

Michael Gustafson has been a professional photographer for over 30 years. Most of his experience as a professional has been in product and advertising photography using a 4x5 view camera. In 1996 he began using a digital camera and things have never been the same since. Although he spent most of his time in the seclusion of a dark studio, his love for the outdoors and photographing nature and landscapes have been his passion. His experience includes being a member of the TNPPA since the 1990s, a PPA life member, Recipient of the PPA National Award, TNPPA 2018 Photographer of the year, TSD, TCD, PPMT member for over 30 years, on the board of the PPMT and a past president, and this past year he finally earned his PPA Master’s degree in photography.