TNPPA Degrees and Competition Awards
National Award
The National Award is the highest honor given at the state level to a photographer who has performed outstanding service to the profession. It is conferred annually by the Tennessee Professional Photographers Association at the Awards Banquet.
Most Improved - D. E. Dickerson Award
The most improved photographer from the previous year based on a cumulative case score.
Stan Baker First Timer Award
This award goes to the highest overall case score of the maker who has before the time of the current TNPPA salon, never submitted to any state, regional, or IPC competition.
Joe Bass Memorial Award
This award is for the highest-scoring image in the Illustrative category.
ASP State Elite Award
This award is for the highest-scoring image by an ASP (American Society of Photographers) member.
People’s Choice Award
This award is chosen by popular vote of the Fall convention attendees
TNPPA Photographer of the Year / W. W. (Bill) Carrier, Jr. Award
This award is given to the photographer with the highest cumulative case score.
Judge’s Choice Award
Each judge will choose one entry from the competition to receive their judge’s ribbon.
Tank Award
This award is for the Tennessee Local Affiliate with the highest cumulative case score for all members.
Aspiring Award
This award is for the highest-scoring image in the competition by an aspiring or student TNPPA member. If there is a tie, judges will decide on the winning entry.
CPP Award
This award is for the highest scoring image by a CPP, Certified Professional Photographer, who is also a TNPPA member.
Each entry is allowed to win only one of the following awards. If your entry fits more than one award category, it will receive the highest award it earned. The lower awards will be opened to other entries. These awards are chosen first by score. In the event of a tie score, the jurors decide which entry will receive the award.
Best of Show
This award goes to the highest-scoring entry in a category with a minimum score of 80 or above.
1st Place
This award goes to the highest-scoring image in a subcategory with a minimum score of 80 or above. (Best of Show entries are not eligible)
This award is for the next two highest scoring entries in a subcategory scoring a minimum of 78. (Best of Show and 1st Place winning entries are not eligible)
Image Competition Awards
To be eligible to receive an award the image-maker must be fully enrolled in a TNPPA membership at the time of competition. Members from any membership level (Student, Aspiring, Senior, Active, Out-of-State, Life) are eligible to receive awards unless noted for a particular award. All awards are distributed at TNPPA's Annual Fall Convention Awards Banquet.
Most Improved - D. E. Dickerson Award – the most improved photographer from the previous year based on a cumulative case score.
Stan Baker First Timer Award – This award is to go to the highest overall case score of the maker who has prior to the time of the current TNPPA salon, never submitted to any state, regional, or IPC competition.
Joe Bass Memorial Award – the highest scoring image in the Illustrative category.
ASP State Elite Award – the highest scoring image by an ASP (American Society of Photographers) member.
People’s Choice Award – chosen by popular vote of the convention attendees.
Presidential Award - the highest scoring overall image or album with a minimum score 80 or above.
TNPPA Photographer of the Year - W. W. (Bill) Carrier, Jr. Award awarded for the highest cumulative case score.
Tennessee Top Ten – The ten entrants with the highest cumulative case scores based on the highest 4 entries by an entrant.
Judge’s Choice Award – each judge will choose one entry from the competition to receive their judge’s ribbon.
Tank Award – awarded to the PPA Tennessee Local Affiliate with the highest cumulative case score for all members.
CPP Award - awarded to the highest scoring image by a CPP, Certified Professional Photographer, who is also a TNPPA member.
Each entry is allowed to win only one of the following awards. If your entry fits more then one award category, it will receive the highest award it earned. The lower awards will be opened to other entries. These awards are chosen first by score. In the event of a tie score, the jurors decide which entry will receive the award.
Best of Show – the highest scoring entry in a category with a minimum score 80 or above.
1st Place – the highest scoring image in a subcategory with a minimum score 80 or above . ( Best of Show entries are not eligible)
Distinguished – the next two highest scoring entries in a subcategory scoring a minimum of a 78. ( Best of Show and 1st Place winning entries are not eligible)
Cumulative score refers to the highest 4 entries by an entrant per case.